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21CBS Charity Salesians of Don Bosco

19-May-2015 9:34
in General
by Admin

21CBS Managing Director Anthony Zammit has returned from Palermo Sicily following managing a 2 week refurbishment of a Multi Media Multi Function Room for the Association of Sana Chiara.

Anthony arranged for a group of 30 friends, work colleagues and volunteers from the UK, Italy, Taiwan and Malta to travel to Palermo Scilly following an extensive fund raising effort for this charity based trip in April 2015.

The team transferred their skills and used donated materials to refurbish a large room within the Association to a sport and multi-media room. They also carried out an extensive deep clean of the Association.

The Association upholds that purpose of a day centre for sports, socio-cultural, and social activities, as well as welfare, education and training, especially for young people, with particular attention to refugees, migrants and children at risk. This project will help them get off the streets and into a safe and positive environment where they can have fun and develop skills with other children in the same position.

The fundraising effort included a 70s-themed disco and the office team at 21CBS doing a sponsored "Virtual Trip" from Bristol to Palermo. We've been cycling, walking, running, rowing and swimming, working towards each completing the 1841 mile journey!

Over £8,646 was raised for the project along with donated items of the value of circa £2,400 for the project. We would like to thank our generous friends, colleagues, suppliers and sub contractors for helping us raise the money to go and carry out this project.