Cookies are used on this website to collect information about your use of the website and to measure its performance. This allows us to create more pages that users find valuable and to remove unused content.

This website also utilises Google Analytics. This helps us learn which elements of our site visitors find most useful or interesting, enabling us to improve our website content. Google Analytics also provides information such as the approximate location of our site visitors (geolocation), IP addresses, and details about the browser used to access the site.

When you first visit the website, a cookie consent pop-up will appear to inform you that our site uses cookies.

Information Collected by Google Analytics:

Google Analytics collects first-party cookies, data related to the device/browser, IP addresses, and on-site activities to measure and report statistics about user interactions with the website. Users can disable cookies or delete individual cookies through their browser settings.

Additionally, Google Analytics supports an optional browser add-on that, once installed and enabled, disables Google Analytics measurement for any site a user visits. Note that this add-on only disables Google Analytics measurement. Click here for the link to the browser add-on.

When Visiting Our Website:
  • You can allow or disallow cookies to be stored on your device by customising your preferences in your web browser’s settings/options/tools.

  • You can accept or decline the use of cookies by selecting the relevant choice in the cookie consent prompt at the bottom of the screen.

Please note: Without accepting cookies, you may not receive the full user experience on our website.

Privacy and Disclosure

Your information is not disclosed to any third parties. However, we may disclose or access your account information if required to do so by law.

If you have any questions regarding this cookies policy, please contact us via our website or at Unit E, Malago Vale Trading Estate, St John's Lane, Bristol, BS3 5BQ.



Cookies policy